
A Winter View 2024

Recreational facilities all have one common link - the “Land”. Once commonly developed by community groups, a well heeled society now flocks to names like Tiger Woods or Mikaela Shiffrin to design their recreational projects. While big names might be experts in their sport, I suggest they have limited knowledge in planning applications, construction drawings, project management, and construction observations. Why not start with a Landscape Architect? Our team is committed to fitting your dream to our land in a thoughtful, useful, and environmentally sustainable fashion.

David Wagner Associates Inc. has a new corporate structure and a new name: DWAsitework Inc.

Elizabeth Christiansen and Scott Rosin, principals at DWAsitework have a long history of collaborating and working with DWA senior practitioners, Laurie Lamb Wagner and David Wagner. DWAsitework is good for us and can be good for you too. Call anytime!

David Wagner 204-782-1910